Brent and Bridget

Brent and Bridget

Brent and Bridget

Brent met Bridget in her hometown of Gisborne and they moved back to North Otago in 1995. Bridget worked as a relief teacher in the North Otago area before transitioning into fulltime work on the farm in 2017.  

After a short time away gaining experience in other industries, Brent's passion for farming saw him return home. 

Brent and Bridget appreciate being able to work alongside their family and enjoy passing on their farming skills to their children, Tim and Anna

Brent and Bridget with their children, Anna and Tim, with Tim's partner Jess
Bridget Craig of Bowalley Free Range
Brent Craig of Bowalley Free Range
Brent and Bridget with their children, Anna and Tim, with Tim's partner Jess and the chickens